Thursday, August 7, 2008


So, I realize that I have posted a lot of pictures and one liners lately and have not done very much journaling. So I thought I would update y'all in my very not so interesting life:)

Hmmm...where to start. I had a job interview yesterday at Sacred Heart for Health Unit Coordinator it was part time in the evenings 20 hours a week. I was really excited at first but ended up canceling it at the last minute. I just couldn't wrap my mind around the idea of going to work. Yes the extra money would be nice (isn't is always?) but in the end I decided you couldn't pay me enough to miss bed time/bath time/and dinner with my baby and spending time with Dave in the evening. Some things just can't be bought right?

I did some g-saleing this weekend and found some good finds! Nothing too exciting just little "treasures." My mom gave me some clothes and a plate/tea cup holder and Daves sister also gave me some things from her good will pile. I got a whole bunch of canning jars, a cute giraffe and lion cake pan, another cake pan with a lid and so on...I don't know what it is with me and my obsession for garage saleing. I think it is a family compulsion though! What can I say I just love a good deal! I am the type of person that when I get complimented on something will say real loud with pride and possibly embarrassing those around me, "THANKS I GOT IT AT A YARD SALE FOR ONLY A QUARTER!" I take great pride in my finds:)

Well, now i am feeling guilty for being downstairs for so long...poor little P is in his jump a roo, I know he is ok because every once in a while I hear a "THUNK, THUNK, THUNK" from him jumping!

Off I go to start my day!


  1. I was very proud of the red purse I bought at a yard sale. It was brand spankin' new and $5. The checker at Yokes' complimented me on it and I proudly told her that I got it at a yard sale. She told me I shouldn't tell anyone because it doesn't 'look' yard sale-ish. I told her I love a good deal and am proud of my yard sale finds!

  2. Sooo glad you decide to save your evenings for your family. I had the same problem last year. I applied for a job, knew I would be great at it, was talking about setting up an interview, and couldn't do it.

    Nothing can replace sitting down for dinner as a family, or just sitting around with the hubby recapping the day.

    Keep prayin, something will turn up that is perfect for your family and your financial needs!


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