Thursday, October 23, 2008

what's that in the cupboard?

my-oh-my! I was cleaning the kitchen, putting away dishes like a good little wife, and what do I spy way up high in the cupboard-partyly hidden almost out of view? DONUTS! Did he think he couldn't trust me?!? I am shocked and offended;) Ok, I am not shocked-donuts, besides Thanksgiving are my favorite food. When Dave and I were dating he would always get mad when I would say donuts are my favorite food-because he did not consider them food, I am not sure what he considers them. Dare I say junk?

I guess I can't be trusted with donuts. Or squash.

PS-when I confronted dave and asked why he didn't trust me this was his response:

(laugh) are you kidding me? I wasn't hiding them. I just wanted to make sure they would be there so I could eat them myself!


  1. okay...i thought you were going to say a mouse! but donuts? too hilarious...what a great story! :)

    what kind of donuts?

  2. In order for Dave to make sure they would be there later...didn't he have to HIDE them? I, on the other hand, have to hide them from myself. Sad. But true.


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