Saturday, January 3, 2009

the birthday boy

Before the party even started he was exhausted!

Obviously, that nap didn't do the trick. Maybe it's just the silly hat-I guess I wouldn't want to wear it either.

Preston loved all his balloons!

He had his cake and ate it too. We paid for it later that night. He was extremely overstimulated. He ended up going to bed at 10:30 and then Dave was up with him from a little after midnight to four am off and on.

All in all it was a fun party! The Weavers stayed until Midnight to help us bring in the New Year! Sam wanted to commemorate the moment with a craft but needless to say we were all too exhausted and doing a craft was the last thing on our minds-Maybe next year Sammy:)

We spent the First just relaxing and trying to play catch up on our sleep. It was a nice relaxing day at home!
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  1. sorry buddy that we couldn't make it, but maybe 33 would have just been over the limit? ;) glad you guys had such a great time!

  2. I'm amazed you let the kids stay up until midnight -- even if we told our kids they could stay up, they'd be asleep before 10pm. Glad Preston had a good birthday! :o)


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