Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cowgirl Cuisine Rustic Recipes and Cowgirl Adventures from a Texas Ranch

Two things.

1. If you like Pioneer Woman, you will like this book and

2. Kj, this totally reminds me of you!

You can look at my side bar to peek at this book. I got it at the library and can't wait to make some of the recipes-it is also a fabulous read! It's a recipe book with a story here and there, about a New Yorker and her husband who wanted a change from the fast paced city life and decided to give country living/ranching a try.

I think what I like best about it is that in the breakfast section it has recipes like Breakfast tacos, salsa recipes and Huevos with Ranch Hard Red Sauce. I absolutely detest things like cheerios, oatmeal and other bland foods. I'm a cold pizza or tuna fish sandwich with hot sauce kinda girl. I know, it's weird, I've grossed out several people through the years. You should see what I eat when I'm pregnant!

Let me know what you think!


  1. I love it! That is so going on my amazon wishlist:-) Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. Looks like it has some great recipes. Have you tried any yet? If so, what?


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