Thursday, March 26, 2009

What a beautiful day, {minus the fact that Preston set our alarm for 4:45am and I've pretty much been up since-and Dave is still sick, but getting better I think/hope} I love that the sun is out. We will definitely be taking advantage of it this morning, once my coffee kicks in;) There is a little tiny part somewhere inside of me that whispers, "go away sun!" I know, it's true. Even though I have been complaining about this weather since January. But, sunny days and warmer weather mean that I have no excuse at all, and I need to get out and start training for the triathlon. Uggh. I think I have forgotten why I was so excited to do this. I'm thinking I'd like my $80 back. Does anyone out there have any inspiration/motivation for me? Anyone at all.....Angie????

Ok, ok...Enough about that.

I know a lot of people are sort of taking a "computer break" of sorts. I kind of just got back from one myself. So I am kind of bummed not to see a bunch of updated blogs from friends and family. What are you all going to do instead of use your computer? Just curious.

I've been praying that Preston and I don't get sick. A lot. I can't believe how bad this virus is and how many people that I know are sick from it! It's just crazy! I have also been praying {and I'm sure this is every mothers prayer} for more patience. Sometimes I just get so caught up and busy in my own adult world, where there are phrases like "commonsense, normal, appropriate" phrases that don't necessarily apply to a almost 15 month old little boy, who knows nothing of those words. He loves to go outside, and he doesn't care the slightest that it is pouring rain and chilly, in fact I think that just makes it more fun. He doesn't care that he gets called a mouse, an eagle, a monkey or a parrot because of the high screeching sounds he makes-even though I might get a little embarrassed. I just pray that God will help me see the wonder in a soggy pine cone, and give me an adventuresome spirit and not to be afraid of the rain and wind. To see the world through Prestons eyes-full of new and exciting things waiting to be explored.


  1. 1st I can't motivate you for the triathalon, it makes me tired just thinking about it.

    2nd I had a friend in Portland who always said, "Don't pray for me to have patience!" She knew that meant that God would test her and put her in situations where patience was needed. I always thought it was kind of funny ... but true! :o)

    I'll be praying for healthier days as well...I'm hoping a little vitamin D from the sun will help! As you can see, I didn't take much of a break from the computer, hee hee!

    Lastly, I think I need more magnets -- I LOVE THEM!

  2. hey ness...i think i've been working on miley's bday post for the last three days! i can't seem to get a minute in to upload pics (i uploaded 457 pictures just from those two trips to tc!). so...i've been a bit busy myself. no sickies here (thank the Lord!), but just a week of going, going, going...we'll get together soon!

  3. Hi! So, I have totally felt the least sane ever. I am stuck in toddler/ 3 year old talk. Constant repeating, answering question after question after question after question after question.... and consequences, consequences, consequences.........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. So, if I talk to you in my mommy voice- please don't take it personal- I'm stuck in it! I haven't had a good break in over a month! Aaaaah! So- does that help you want to train? Or are you bringing you're little guy with you? See you soon!


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