Monday, April 20, 2009

tragic tales of triathlon training

I know, I know, long title but this morning it was looking a little tragic. The triathlon is only 4 months away and I have procrastinated long enough. Time to start training. Seriously. Um, I got a bike at a garage sale this weekend, it was only $15 dollars and is only a little broken. That's a start right? Sigh.

3 miles. I can run miles right? Yes, I will have to work at it but it's not like it's Bloomsday or a marathon or anything. Yes, three miles is completely doable.

This morning I jogged 2.25 miles. And just so you know, I use the term jog very loosely. It's more like a trot, or unsteady gallop. You know what the funny thing is? I feel like I am such a fraud. I get out there in my running clothes and fancy running shoes...I walk for a bit like I am warming up...throw in a couple of stretches...but then when I start jogging I feel like everyone knows that I am just a runner wannabe. I think running/jogging/trotting is so ungraceful and awkward, especially when you are pushing a stroller. You know what really makes me feel like a fraud? When I pee my pants a little bit and choke on my snot. Yeah, you can laugh and snicker but chances are if you've had kids this happens to you too. TMI? Um, yeah probably, but it's my blog. I can write what I want! It's completely unglamorous I tell you.

You want to know what the best thing was about my morning jog. It was when I lapped 2 old men who were walking, not once but twice. Oh yeah. It felt pretty good.

Stay tuned for more tragic tales.....


  1. Way to go! Way to lap the old men! I bet it felt good :) You are so funny. I will let you know how my "run" goes tomorrow.

  2. Okay, this post made my night, lol, I needed a laugh. ;) Especially the bit about peeing your pants and choking on snot, oh the joys of our bodies changing through motherhood eh? And I can totally see you lapping the old men, lol... Though I'd probably be seriously grateful if I could do that myself, I've really got to get these poor muscles and pelvic bones back in shape after having a baby. Good job training for a triathlon, you inspire me. :)

  3. tragic tales? hey, you're getting out there and doing it!! and passing old men while you're at it! i don't see anything tragic about that! i see tradegy in my own running that's something NOT worth talking about. ;) you are too funny!

  4. Thanks for the laugh. Because we all know the truths you dare write of. Sigh.

  5. I love it! Thanks for being bold enough to share the incidents that happen to us is way more enjoyable when you have people to laugh with over it.

  6. Ah! You had me laughing! Good luck with the jogging, you're doing great to run over 2 miles!

  7. That happens to me when I jump on a trampoline (not the snot thing) ... LOL! At least you're running or attempting to! I have yet to even attempt it! Keep it up!

  8. This only happens to me when I wait to long. You know when you are just to busy, every second of every day. When OOPs I guess I better go to the bathroom. We just need more time. LOL Good luck on the training.


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