Thursday, November 5, 2009


Well it's not Multitude Monday, but there's no rule saying we can't be thankful on Thursdays right?!?

So my list continues:

120. Running through the park with Preston with the leaves crunching under our feet.
121. Seeing Prestons eyes sparkle when he's looking at his daddy.
122. Hot bubble baths{while listening to a book on CD}
123. My sister watching Preston so I can do my errands childless-I know Preston was thankful for that too, he had way more fun playing with Ta-Ta {thomas} and aunt A-gee {Angie}.
124. The little life inside me, all of 6 weeks and 4 days old. :)
125. That I am relatively morning sickness free, except for the occasional wave every now and then-and that is something to be thankful for!
126. Rocking in the rocking chair with Preston
127. Prestons superhero friends who act as bodyguards as we walk to starbucks. {that would spiderman and ironman, known to Preston as Ja-Ben. Known to everyone else as our neighbors and friends Jack and Ben who were holding Prestons hands, one on each side as Preston crossed the street-thanks guys, for watching out for my little one, even though you are little too. It's nice to know Preston is being looked out for;)
128. The pumpkin cookies Angie brought to bible study...I am still drooling. Seriously, you need to share that recipe.

The search continues.....

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