Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday morning

I can't believe that it is May. Seriously, where does the time go? For the first time I am starting to feel a panic about the triathlon. I used to think, it's February I have time, then it was March....still time. Um, now it is May and there is not much time! That means this morning, no matter how much I don't want to (and I don't at all) I need to get out there! I also need to take my $15 yard sale bike into the shop and get its brakes and gears fixed. I need to find a pool so I can start swimming, and maybe take a lesson or two so I don't have to doggy paddle or back float the quarter mile swim.


This week I am praying Job 31:6. It reads, Let me be weighed on honest scales, that God may know my integrity.

Lord, I pray that Preston would grow up to be an honest boy/man and that he would be known for his integrity. I pray that Dave and I would live honest lives and that we would not lack integrity. If we do, I pray that you would show us, because you discipline those you love.

So I also wanted to share how much I love praying these little snippets. Personally, I get overwhelmed at all the things that I could pray about, because there are a million things that we could pray about, right? It's just been really nice to focus on one thing. It's easy to remember when I am running, or driving, washing dishes etc. I feel like some pressure has been relieved. I encourage you to try it!


  1. I love praying scripture...then you know for certain you are praying in His will.

  2. hey ness!! i just wanted to "pop over" and say bonjour! :) blessings on your week!

  3. You have always been someone who could do whatever you put your mind to... I remember you taking on snowboarding because you wanted to try it so bad, even with your knee problems from the trampoline accident. You are amazing to try a triathlon!


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