Wednesday, July 8, 2009

finding focus

Lately I have been struggling with my relationship with God. It's just been feeling a little off lately. And it's really been bugging me because I don't know why. I feel like it has been really good lately and now it is just mediocre. I haven't even felt like praying-which is something that I hate! I equate praying for my family as vital and important as breathing!

So today I skeptically started journaling, to see if I could come to some kind of conclusion to my "spiritual blahs." What I eventually came up with is that I have lost focus. I think this is something a lot of people feel in the summer time-when church activities are on a "break." The bible itself just seems so overwhelming to me! I really like to do bible studies-they seem a little less intimidating. Anyways....

When I lose focus, I feel overwhelmed, when I feel overwhelmed I don't even know where to start, so I do nothing. Doing nothing makes me feel frustrated-when I am frustrated I busy myself with well, being busy-doing tasks that really are not important-instead of doing things that are important-and that my friends is where I am right now! Phew!

So I guess I am asking for advice, anyone???


  1. I feel the same way in the summer when Bible Study is over. There might be a women's study at church this summer. My advise that I should take myself is: prayer and accountability.

  2. it's comforting to remember that when we feel distant from our Father, He is never far from us. He waits. He longs. He never takes a break. so when you feel like you're not doing anything, just be still and know that He is probably doing a work on your heart. love you! and i WILL call you back. ;)

  3. you basically just wrote EXACTLY what i've been thinking/feeling lately. i hate it too, because it seeps into everything else. it's hard for me to shake the vicious cycle when i'm feeling this way. thanks for being transparent ... you're not the only one who deals with this!

    maybe we can keep each other accountable? :)

  4. Summer is a tough time for distraction for sure. I am going through a Bible study on my own which although I don't have the accountabilty of having to get my homework done by a certain date it is helping me get in the Word almost daily. Otherwise I would suggest getting together w/some other women you know for a prayer group. Some friends and I have been trying to be somewhat consistent in that:only an hour w/out kids and only prayer, no chatting or hanging out(mostly so we can get back and rescue the dad's:). It is one of those things that you don't always know how to make it work, but your so glad you did after it is over. I'd say that the fact that it is bothering you is encouraging, because you aren't willing to accept the compliancy/distraction which the enemy loves so much.

  5. A few months ago a friend recommended Kay Arthur's Inductive Bible Studies to me. I picked one up used on amazon for less than $5 including shipping. When was almost done with it, I ordered the next one so that I wouldn't skip a day in between studies. I have never been consistent in the Word, always cycling through levels of motivation, but have only missed a handful of days since I started these studies. I have done the Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther study about fear and discouragement and now I am working on 1 and 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles about walking faithfully. There are studies for all the books of the Bible.


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