Wednesday, March 31, 2010

it's the little things.

First of all, let me start by saying that this age {2} is my favorite age, so far. I just love how interactive preston is. It might be unfair to name a favorite stage-as they each have their ups and downs, the good and the bad. But I really like this stage. He is such a little man. My little man. It seems that each day just gets better and better.

Today, Prestons new thing is "I do it all by myself!" Before today, he's never really showed an interest in doing certain things. Now all of a sudden, he wants to let the cats out, he wants to wash his hair, he wants to flush his potty. So today needless to say today, Preston has been my little helper. Doing all kinds of things for mommy by his cute little self.

When I was tucking him in tonight, I told him how proud I was of him for being my helper and how it makes my heart so happy when he helps me. He said, "like soap in the washing machine" it took me a while to remember, but this morning I let him climb up on his stool and pour the soap in the washing machine. I couldn't believe that he remembered that?!? It seemed so trivial and unimportant to me. But not to Preston.

He remembered that all day.

This is a great reminder to enjoy these days-because pretty soon he will be 3, then 4, then 5.....


  1. So true, Jenessa! I love how you are able to slow down and really enjoy him. From a mom whose been there, it really does fly by.

    When I was gone this last weekend, I told my mom that I missed my kids. She said, "You do?!?". It made me laugh a little because I definitely have those days where I want to get away from them, but I truly enjoy my kids ... and have LOVED certain things about every stage they have been in.

    Precious memories are being built for Preston at age 2, you will be amazed at what he remembers 5 years from now. The little things definitely matter!! :)

  2. Ahh what a cutie. You are a good mom to let him help. Sometimes it seems (because it is) easier to do things without "help" - I guess it shows you that easier is not alway better. I can't wait to see him and all of the other cousins tomorrow!


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