Tuesday, May 4, 2010

week 2---1 Corinthians 16:13

Prestons "memory work"went very well last week-I remembered every day to work it. Which for some reason in the past has been hard for me. I am consistently inconsistent! Maybe I feel like I have some online accountability-If I ever start slacking please tell me!

It's funny though, every time I ask Preston to say his bible verses he says, "Jesus loves me, God in heaven...." I'm not sure where he gets that from but it's cute. But he will repeat what I tell him to say and I think eventually he will get it.

I know that he might not understand what these bible verses mean, but my hope is that he will be hiding Gods word in his heart and have it permanetly stored in his little memory. I remember tons of bible stories, songs etc. from when I was growing up. In fact I Angie and I can pretty much recite the whole Christmas story in song...really we can, and we could do it in unison too, ask us next time you see us;)

This weeks bible verse is one that the older kids learned in Sunday school awhile ago. Thomas memorized too...you can see his version here. It was so good that I wanted Preston to know this verse also.

We are also reading the about Jonah and the big fish this week-Preston is very confused that Jonah doesn't look like his cousin Jonah...he thinks that Jonah looks like God. I am not sure how he knows what God looks like, but I just run with it-it's so hard to be 2.

So without further ado...here is this weeks bible verse:

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