To sum up the last couple of months would be- family, food, and lots of good times!
Thanksgiving was pretty quiet. But Christmas, that's a different story! Christmas was anything but quiet! We spent a lot of time at Daves moms just kept showing up! Daves sister and her family came up from Colorado, we got to meet our new niece Violet. Daves brother and his family who live in Everett surprised everyone by showing up and caroling (which Preston got a kick out of) and then Daves sister from Sedro Woolley also made a surprise appearance!
My sister, Amy and the gang came over on Christmas day-It was a fun week!!!
After Christmas the party just continues as we celebrate Prestons birthday only 6 days later, then mine, then my dads. Phew.
Here are some pics-I really didn't get that many good ones, I was too busy having fun to be behind the camera:)
Here are some birthday pics. the birthday post will be written later;)
Prestons goofy smile-it's hard to get a good pic of him these days!
Happy New Year to you all!
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