Monday, June 24, 2013

Manito Park 2013

Well, were off to a good start. Making the most of our time, being intentional how we spend time together as a family. Our first summer adventure wasn't a big one in the sense that we didn't travel far from home, it didn't cost any money-but we loved it just the same, the kids had a blast. Preston was adamant that he did NOT want to go to Manito Park.  He thought Grace would fall in the pond. I call it first born syndrome. He is a worrier that one! But those anxious feelings didn't last long, as soon as we drove by it he begged us to stop and we happily complied.

We are all homebodies-we can easily get stuck in the rut of staying at home. Sometimes we have to make ourselves get out and we drive with no destination in mind. We just get out. It was so awesome to see the kids faces light up when soaked in the surroundings and beauty of the park. Instant smiles appeared on their little faces and then they ran. They ran and ran and ran. It was so apparent to Dave and I, that it is so important, no crucial to be able to take in nature, not just our back yard but something bigger. We are so lucky to live the northwest and have so much beauty within our reach.

If I had to pick a favorite area of Manito Park, I think it would be Duncan Gardens. I feel like I'm instantly swept away to a different time. The Japanese Gardens would get second. Really, I just love it all.

I love it when he holds her hand. 

Taking time to stop and smell the roses.

see how he's holding onto her? ;)

Preston asked Dave to help him slide down the railing.
He was on cloud 9!

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